Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Back to 'normal'

   Well, it's back to 'normal' what ever that is - the kids went back to school after almost 3 weeks off (several extra days due to the weather) This morning  (10th Jan) was looking like it was going to be a cracking day, looking out as it got light around 8am, it was clear and frosty - magic. After a change of plans, I thought I'd take a trip up north and see if the Little Auk and Velvet Scoter that Brydon found yesterday  were still at Norwick. Going through Haroldswick, there were double figures of Common Seals around the north end of the beach with a number hauled out, I parked on the roadside and watched them from the car for quite a time. I really hope that they continue to do this later in the year when the sun moves around as at the moment they are often back-lit. The ones below were taken yesterday at the same spot in not so nice weather.............

  Arriving over at Norwick later, the Velvet Scoter was still present but unfortunately some way off shore out in the bay, so the pic below is just a 'record' shot............

female type Velvet Scoter

  Whilst looking at the scoter, I picked up the Little Auk in the bins' just off of 'The Taing' (a small island close to the shore) Making my way around the back of the island I managed to get a bit closer and also get some more record shots. If the tide had been right, I'd have stayed longer with a hope that it may have come closer but I didn't want to get cut off by the incoming tide.........

 Little Auk

  Despite that it was now still only 2pm,  the sun was quite low and down at Easter Loch in Uyeasound there were some lovely colours on the loch. The Whooper Swans were now restricted to a relatively small area of unfrozen water to feed and so were quite aggressive to a pair of Mute Swans that were also on the loch............

On such a beautiful still day,  the calling of the swans is one of natures most evocative sounds, even more so when its a family 'discussion'............

  Most of the other duck species have moved away and only a few Goldeneye remain, some going onto the sea nearby to feed. I'd even noticed the swans pursuing these ducks from patches of open water.....................

Drake Goldeneye

  Returning back north for a while, I set off out again mid afternoon to get my eldest from school in the south of the island. Taking an indirect route, I went around the north side of Balta Sound just as the sun was going below the hillside....................

South over Balta Sound

  Today, was also another fairly nice - although cold -day. I went and tried for some more shots of the Little Auk but despite hiding myself amongst the rocks there, it didn't come over to my side of the bay. The Velvet Scoter was also around along with a Redthroated Diver, but they were even further out than yesterday. The Little Grebe was still around Buness and the Coot was still down at Uyeasound - regular but uncommon birds up here. One of the few pictures I took today was of this Curlew at Buness. The ice is on the seaweed as the tide goes out.......

Curlew at Buness


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